Wednesday, December 05, 2007

some women I know

As I was falling happily to sleep last night, I was thinking about the ways in which we conduct ourselves in the world - how we protect ourselves, why only certain facets of our lives are available for public consumption, the huge barriers we erect until we are ready to go crashing through them. These things were finding their way through the labyrinth that is my mind for many different reasons, mostly because there are women who are not quite prepared, just yet, to see what faces them on the other side of those walls, but one day they might be.

I have said before, and do still believe, that it IS about the destination and the journey, not so much. I have gone down roads that led nowhere, found places that I did not need to visit, gained knowledge that I had no business knowing. Yes, these false starts may have made me stronger/wiser/better, but what I had to do was go headfirst through the morass that led to the bridge that took me, finally, to the layer of bricks and mortar that I had to travel beyond...I had to get THERE.

Everyone's "there" is different, some only slightly and others so far removed that it is barely recognizable to the human eye. The personal path we all take to where we each need to go is our journey, our memories, our life. But getting to the other possibly-not-greener pasture is the destination which allows us, at last, to be free. It does require some tree demolition and concrete sandblasting (there may even be a scythe involved); the work IS necessary, I'll give you that, but it's what we do upon arriving at our destination, that permits us, finally, to be our true selves. I wish/hope/pray that, as difficult as some things are to overcome, women who need to break through and get "there" will find the required stamina along the rutted road of their personal journey. It's worth ruining a few pairs of good shoes.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I find that much prefer the journey to the destination, which may be why I keep setting off in new directions.