Monday, December 10, 2007

Having recently read a blog ( - quite excellent) invoking Grace Kelly, I got to thinking about grace and what it means and the tremendous power of the word itself.

I have never had what you might call grace, in terms of gracefulness (much to my mother's great dismay, try though I did to stand on my toes or pretend that I could complete a Pirouette or an Entrechat), but I find that my life is filled with grace, the kind that comes only from God. I do not have this of my own accord, and sometimes, I do not have it at all, but on occasion, I see it weaving its way through the most difficult parts of my life. There is much that would not happen, that I would find unlivable, that I would be incapable of surviving, if it were not for grace.

Not knowing how to respond or defend or give proper expression to that which remains unsaid, I fall upon grace to find the words, the armour, the way, and more-often-than-not, it picks me up and moves me along. Sometimes, it's the only way I can walk at all, with grace, if without gracefulness.

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