Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Having watched "Grey's Anatomy" and listened over and over to my current favorite song, "Ordinary Time," I find that ordinary is quite underated. What a joy to live a life that is simple and full. Those who are earmarked by God for the extraordinary are given the gifts required for such an existence.

From a (albeit, crazy) mother to her only daughter: "Anyone can fall in love; I raised you to be extraordinary." The truth is that not everyone can fall in love; not everyone finds it. Love, if done correctly, is quite out of the ordinary and that is what makes the falling into it so remarkable. Love in this life is nothing short of extraordinary...I see that I have been given the necessary gifts; perhaps, my life is not so ordinary, afterall.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

and you taught me (your only daughter) that love is an extraordinary gift, not to be taken lightly, and the only one that truly matters.